The JÖRG Multiple Decoiler 2910 - 2952 allows the operator to choose from 4 or 6 different coils to cut. After hanging the coils in the frame, the operator can change the plate by operating the push buttons, without touching the plate. Each coil is placed on a selfsupporting mandrel. The upper coils are unrolled along the bottom and the lower coils along the top using plate guides with rollers. Each mandrel is driven separately with a decoupling electric motor for unrolling and rewinding during plate changes. During unwinding, the drive is disconnected. Each coil position has a pneumatically operated pressure roller to keep the coil closed to prevent self unwinding. There is a control panel with push buttons that allow the operator to unwind or feed a plate from any coil position. The straightening roller pulls the inserted sheet out of the coil system.